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Group 1

Maoris designs and their meanings

The jewellery we design and make, takes themes from the New Zealand landscape,  sea and shoreline, Maori and Pacifica designs, blended into traditional and contemporary wearable art.
Listed below are  brief explanations of these designs, these are not intended to be comprehensive or definitive in their descriptions, but simply represent our understanding of some of the underlying meanings and themes, within these designs.

The Koru;
Taken from the new, unfurling fronds of the Ponga or Tree Fern, found throughout the New Zealand forest and bush.
This graceful form represents, strength, vitality, new life, a new beginning, with the older mature fronds guarding and protecting the new forming branches.


The kowhaiwhai design is often painted or carved on the ridgepoles of the meeting house or wharenui, depicting the whakapapa  or genealogy of the iwi  or tribe.
Made up of repeated symmetrical designs, often variations of the koru design linked together,  incorporating other natural forms and aspects of the land and sea in a particular location, creating a pictorial story linking an individual to their ancestors, their history and location.
Giving a people an awareness of the past, locating them in the present, equipping them for the future.


The Spiral Twist;

Formed in a single or multiple twists, this design represents the timeless bond and strength, found through true friendship, partnership and commitment, two lives becoming one.

The Toki or adze head;
A work tool used for chopping, shaping and carving.
When worn represents the potential for a lasting wisdom, authority and leadership to form, when men and women rightly and fairly govern, lead and serve others.

Hei Matua or fish hook;
This design represents strength and determination, power and authority.
Often given to those who travel over the sea.

Disc or circular design;
Represents the potential for strength, vitality, wisdom and a peace, energy contained and completed.

The Drop shape;
This simple and elegant design brings dignity and beauty to the wearer.